Avid For Edit Producer Training

By Nigel Honey (Certified Avid Instructor) and Jo Woolf (Edit Producer Trainer and SP), in collaboration with Clear Cut Pictures
About Nigel:
Nigel a Certified AVID Editing Trainer, trained at Pinewood Studios. He is also a Film & TV editor with nearly 25 years editing experience with his work screened on the 2014 Commonwealth Games and all around the world, including the BBC, BBC Scotland, Carlton TV, ITV, STV, LWT, Channel 4, Discovery, National Geographic and his edited films screened at Aberdeen, Berlin, Cannes, Raindance, Edinburgh and BAFTA Film Festivals.
As an Avid Trainer, Nigel has worked with a diverse range of clients including: BBC Wales, SQA, Royal Bank of Scotland, MOD, NFTS, Northern Film School, GMAC, Edinburgh Art College, Edinburgh College, Fife College, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, University of West Scotland, Luxembourg for Finance, SAE College Glasgow, Jump Cut Scheme at Film City, University of Herts and Ravensbourne College, London.
About Jo:
Jo has worked in factual TV for over 20 years, moving up the ranks from runner to Series Producer. For the past 14 years she has specialised in the edit, and was one of the first prime time factual TV edit producers. Alongside her production work she’s been training freelancers in how to edit produce for the past 10 years. Her recent experiences of edit producing remotely over lockdown convinced her of the need to upskill in Avid skills and to help teach others these skills too
About Clear Cut Pictures:
Clear Cut Pictures is one of the UK’s most important post houses, with 3 large edit facilities in London and much capacity for remote offline editing. All students and trainers will be removing into the avid system at Clear Cut in order to undertake this course.
Sample Course Outline
Day 1 learnings:
- Explanation of course and how we will run it - tuition with mini exercises in the morning, left to your own editing each afternoon with possibility of checking in with Nigel and Jo for tips.
- getting to know the AVID interface and all the basic terminology - including Bins/ Folders/ Avid File Structure/ names of all the panes (record window/ player window/ timeline) Editor Settings, important short-cut keys (eg I and O, J, K and L)
- different approaches to first view of rushes - logging with markers/ locators, making and labelling sub clips, or making a cut-down.
Afternoon exercise: trainees will try all three approaches of viewing rushes with three different cards. Those who are getting more advanced can then start to then build an assembly from their footage.
Day 2 learnings:
- Building An Assembly, Overwrite and Splice In Modes, Deleting and Lifting Footage from the Timeline, Trim mode, match frame.
- how to label cuts and how to file them so you can find them
- sharing the space with the editor - good systems of keeping and finding copies you are sharing the work on.
- Basic Audio Mixing / Levels.
- Recording voice-over
- Laying in basic music
10am til 5pm with break at 12.30pm for lunch.
Morning tuition 10am til 12.30pm.
Afternoon practise 130pm til 4pm
Group check in 4pm til 5pm
Another device to access Jo and Nigel via zoom - eg another laptop, or an iPad, or a smart phone. The bigger the screen the better, if possible!